This is The South-Equatorial Galaxy Catalogue (SEGC), version 2.0, dated November 2019. It differs from previous versions in the following ways: 1) The B1950.0 positions of the previous versions have been precessed to J2000.0. 2) Diameters and axis ratios have been reduced to the B = 25.0 mag arcsec^-2^ systems of RC3 for compatibility with other lists. 3) V-band magnitudes and B-V colors from RC3; transformed from SDSS, ESO-LV, or 6dF data; or, occasionally from other sources, are listed. 4) Redshifts given as V = cz, are usually taken from 6dF. Sources for the photometry and redshifts are also listed. The distribution includes five files: segc20.txt -- SEGC, version 2.0; diameters and axis ratios given as logD (D in units of 0.1 arcminutes) and logR (R = D/d). segc20am.txt -- SEGC, version 2.0am; major and minor diameters given in arcminutes. segc20.fmt -- a short example file for SEGC. segc20intro.txt -- This file. segc20doc.txt -- documentation for this release. These files are 7-bit ASCII files. Latest revision: 22 November 2019